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Belinda Ollie Coach

About Me 

As a very experienced Primary School Teacher and Foster Carer,

I have a wealth of knowledge, experience in emotional resilience coaching and child behaviour management and an understanding of working with children who have special needs or challenging behaviours. 

I specialise in working with children and families

I found Ollie Coaching whilst looking for a way to help children in my care who were struggling with their emotions. Hence the name Help My Child. I was so impressed with this simple but extremely effectively of working with children and supporting parents and the school and community around the child, that I trained to become an Ollie Coach.

Now I help children and Adults throughout Warwickshire (and further afield online) with their emotional wellbeing.


I believe we need to help our children to become resilient. They need to have tools in their toolbox and skills to cope with emotional challenges and setbacks. If we don't give them the tools and help them develop the skills we are only allowing them to store up mental health problems for the future. Ollie Coaching is preventative - that's why I love it!

Free Intro Session

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