During puberty, the teenage brain undergoes significant changes.
These changes are necessary to help them transition from childhood
to adulthood. One of the most notable changes is the increase in
gray matter volume in certain areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system.
The prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and planning, while the limbic system is involved in emotion regulation and reward processing.
As a result of these changes, teenagers may experience mood swings, impulsivity, and heightened emotions. They may also be more prone to risk-taking behaviors, as their brains are wired to seek out new experiences and rewards. However, it's important to note that not all teenagers will experience these changes in the same way.
It's also worth noting that the changes in the teenage brain are not limited to just the physical structure. The brain is also developing new neural connections and pathways, which can influence how teenagers think and behave. This can be both exciting and challenging for teenagers, as they navigate the complexities of growing up and becoming
independent individuals.
Parents, teachers, and caregivers can help support teenagers during this time by providing guidance, understanding, and a safe and supportive environment.
By recognising and acknowledging the changes happening in their brains, we can help teenagers navigate this important stage of their development with confidence and resilience.